• Types of installation

Types of installation

The installation methods for pipeline construction have developed continuously in recent years. Open trench laying is now one of the traditional methods. Alternative and trenchless methods have been established for some time and offer pipeline network operators enormous advantages. Starting with the development of PE 100-RC pressure pipes up to protective jacket pipes according to PAS 1075, type 3 with functional layers, Gerodur has constantly developed its product range further and oriented itself to the needs of innovative laying methods.

Trenchless: What is Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)?

Open Trench installation

Alternative installation

Trenchless installation

Submerged installation

Designed for underwater pipelines

Want to find out more?
We look forward to hearing from you.
Gerodur MPM Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH & Co. KG
01844 Neustadt i. Sa.
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